This page lists changes made to the site, including new features, improvements and bug fixes. For changes to the database, including new events, circuits, championships and more, please see the Recent changes page (only available for logged in users).
29 December 2024 | Bug fix | When adding a calendar, date options for new events did not work when several events were 'dates between'. |
12 November 2024 | Feature improvement | Immediate validation of event dates when editing calendars, with new warnings. |
13 October 2024 | Bug fix | The Recent changes page sometimes mixed up changes when events had been deleted. |
12 July 2023 | Bug fix | 'All upcoming' list on circuit pages only included events this year. |
14 May 2023 | Feature improvement | 'Copy event' feature no longer copies events already existing for the other championship. |
10 May 2023 | Feature improvement | New source submission modal, replacing the old pop-up. Also added support for multiple sources. |
24 February 2023 | Bug fix | Events list was not emptied when editing several calendars in a row. |
Bug fix | When copying/moving events, the 'between dates' mark was not copied/moved. | |
14 February 2023 | New feature | expanding to include motorcycle racing! |
4 February 2023 | Feature improvement | Photography instructions added to the photo upload modal. |
27 January 2023 | Feature improvement | Event dates can now be marked with 'between dates', used for TBC dates such as 'TBC May'. |
12 January 2023 | New feature | Photos for circuits now also added, including upload form. |
Feature improvement | Events on circuit pages are now more correctly grouped than before. | |
Visual improvement | New design of circuit pages, including photos and better year selector. Also with quicker page load. | |
30 December 2022 | New feature | Added possibility to mark championships as stand-alone races. |
Feature improvement | Added option to open the new 'Add championship' modal in popup window. | |
Other changes | Closed down the old 'Add championship' popup. | |
18 December 2022 | Feature improvement | Step added to 'Add championship' modal, looking for duplicates before continuing. |
Bug fix | Some years were left out in the official name history on championship pages. | |
17 December 2022 | Feature improvement | Add/edit championship popup replaced with new editing modal. |
8 December 2022 | New feature | Photos for championships have finally come to, including upload form. |
Feature improvement | Championship pages now contain more information, for instance official name history and statistics. | |
Visual improvement | New design of championship pages, including photos and better year selector. | |
1 November 2022 | Bug fix | Some event status tooltips on championship pages were cut off. |
29 January 2022 | Visual improvement | Large restyling of website. Back to the original font, restyled tables, more popping links etc. |
Bug fix | Whole list disappeared when removing championships in the copy/move event feature. | |
9 January 2022 | Feature improvement | Your submissions page now showing when a source has been submitted. |
8 January 2022 | Feature improvement | Filter for main region added to list of top championships without events. |
28 December 2021 | New feature | Added editing dashboard page! |
New feature | Added list of top championships without events! | |
Bug fix | It was sometimes almost impossible to select the last year in year dropdowns. | |
13 May 2021 | New feature | Circuit and season submissions now available on Your submissions page! |
Feature improvement | Filter added to the Crew members list. List redesigned. | |
12 May 2021 | New feature | Championship submissions now available on Your submissions page! |
11 May 2021 | Bug fix | Your submissions page incorrectly showed events to delete in some scenarios. |
23 February 2021 | Bug fix | Full date ranges of events were not always displayed on circuit pages. |
20 February 2021 | Feature improvement | Pills displaying active filters added to Find events. |
19 February 2021 | Bug fix | Not all modals did close on Escape press. |
14 February 2021 | Feature improvement | Search field now always visible on smaller screens. |
Feature improvement | Log in button added to menu bar on smaller screens. | |
8 February 2021 | Bug fix | Most recently updated calendars on home page were sometimes incorrect. |
7 February 2021 | New feature | Most recently updated calendars are now shown on the home page. |
6 February 2021 | New feature | Most popular championships worldwide and in the logged in user's country added to the home page. |
1 February 2021 | Feature improvement | Filters now triggered when closing filter accordions on mobile devices. |
Feature improvement | Additional date format now supported by the text-to-calendar functionality. | |
31 January 2021 | Feature improvement | Filters for followed championships and circuits, and saved events, added to Find events page. |
Visual improvement | New design of Find events, Find championships and Find circuits. | |
Feature improvement | Country filter added to Find circuits page. | |
Feature improvement | Text-to-calendar functionality improved and now supporting more date formats. | |
24 January 2021 | Feature improvement | Now possible to resend account activation link emails + activation process now smoother. |
23 January 2021 | Bug fix | Automatic emails made more reliable. Some emails never reached their destinations. |
22 January 2021 | Feature improvement | 'Sprint car racing' added as a category. |
20 January 2021 | Other changes | The list of your active submissions have been moved from the pit box to a separate page. |
16 January 2021 | Feature improvement | Now possible to directly access the new calendar edit tool from championship pages. |
13 January 2021 | Bug fix | Corrected positioning of some search suggestion lists. |
Visual improvement | New design on search filters. | |
11 January 2021 | Visual improvement | New design of response messages and improved on mobile devices. |
Visual improvement | Personal calendar improved on mobile devices. | |
16 December 2020 | Feature improvement | Mobile menu interaction improved. Added close button and greyed out the rest of the page. |
Other changes | When renaming a championship or circuit, the old URL is now redirected to the new URL. | |
8 December 2020 | New feature | Add and edit full calendars – including text-to-calendar functionality! |
15 November 2020 | Bug fix | Events with unconfirmed circuit did not show up on event search page. |
Other changes | Search championship page no longer redirects to the only championship if there is only one. | |
12 November 2020 | Bug fix | Country for events with unconfirmed circuits but with confirmed countries was not displayed. |
31 October 2020 | New feature | Now possible to manage followed championships and circuits on the home page! |
Visual improvement | Page titles now centered instead of right aligned. | |
28 October 2020 | New feature | Follow circuits! Events for followed circuits are displayed on the home page. |
25 October 2020 | Visual improvement | Clearer distinguishment between event statuses on circuit pages. |
21 October 2020 | Visual improvement | Cookie message improved on mobile devices. Message shortened. |
15 October 2020 | Bug fix | Boxes shown when hovering championship and circuit links had gone completely crazy. |
26 September 2020 | New feature | Follow championships! Events for followed championships are displayed on the home page. |
Other changes | Home page made more useful for logged in users. Including a nice greeting. | |
Other changes | Several minor changes and improvements. | |
5 August 2020 | Other changes | Session lifetime extended, meaning that it is no longer timing out after 24 minutes if a tab is opened. |
4 August 2020 | Bug fix | Submitting season names with an '&' sign was not possible. |
12 July 2020 | Feature improvement | Alert message added to 'Add event' popup when editing an event with pending submissions. |
10 July 2020 | Feature improvement | Now possible to navigate in championship selection when moving/copying events with keyboard. |
Visual improvement | Browser default tooltips replaced by new customised tooltips. | |
Visual improvement | Event status indicators were missing formatting in printable versions. | |
8 July 2020 | Bug fix | The 'move events' function did not work properly when moving to several championships. |
1 June 2020 | Feature improvement | Added pagination to Recent changes. |
Visual improvement | Overrided the new (horrible) black element outline added in Chrome v.83. | |
16 May 2020 | Bug fix | Fixed bug appearing in rating modal when session had been terminated. |
15 May 2020 | Feature improvement | Added event statuses to personal calendars. |
13 May 2020 | Bug fix | Boxes shown when hovering championships on circuit pages sometimes showed wrong championship. |
29 April 2020 | Visual improvement | The general search box redesigned since search page is now redundant. |
Other changes | Alert messages on championship pages added, for instance when season has no events. | |
28 April 2020 | Feature improvement | The general search box now include events. |
Bug fix | Could not select search suggestions using Enter on keyboard in Safari on macOS. | |
Bug fix | Dropdowns (for instance 'Select year') were not closing when losing focus. | |
27 April 2020 | Bug fix | Event counters on Championships page did not take cancelled and postponed events into account. |
25 April 2020 | Feature improvement | Register button added to login box. |
Feature improvement | Error message now displayed earlier when no events are selected in copy/move/delete modals. | |
10 April 2020 | Visual improvement | Alert message boxes redesigned. |
28 March 2020 | Bug fix | 'Show cancelled events' was unchecked when changing page on Events page. |
Feature improvement | No longer redirecting from circuit search results when only one circuit is found. | |
Feature improvement | Name and email address fields on Contact page now prefilled for logged in users. | |
Visual improvement | Made 'Join' button in top menu stand out more. | |
Visual improvement | Fixing pixel issue with button in top menu search box. | |
Visual improvement | Made paragraphs narrower on for instance About page to improve readability. | |
27 March 2020 | New feature | Revised event status feature, including new 'postponed' status. |
Visual improvement | Popup editing forms partly restyled. | |
Other changes | Information about event statuses updated on Help/FAQ page. | |
22 March 2020 | Bug fix | Cancelled events were still displayed in the 'on track today' boxes on circuit pages. |
Visual improvement | Fixed the green flag in the 'on track today' boxes, which activated horizontal scroll on smaller screens. | |
Visual improvement | Magnifying glass icon added to search box on home page. | |
20 March 2020 | Feature improvement | Possibility to filter out cancelled events added to Events page. |
Feature improvement | TBC, NC and Cancelled pills added to search results on Events page. | |
19 March 2020 | New feature | Possibility to mark events as cancelled added. |
Other changes | Information about cancelled events added to the Help/FAQ page. | |
Other changes | Help/FAQ page restructured. | |
18 March 2020 | Visual improvement | Visualisation of TBC and NC events changed from raw text to pills. |
15 February 2020 | Feature improvement | All emails sent from restyled and modernised. |
Visual improvement | Minor styling changes to account registration page. | |
Feature improvement | Account activation and password recovery pages improved. | |
4 February 2020 | Visual improvement | Search bar on Circuits page now styled as all other search bars. |
Visual improvement | Minor styling changes to some tables. | |
Feature improvement | 'Pickup/ute racing' added as a category. | |
3 February 2020 | Visual improvement | Cookie message restyled. |
21 January 2020 | New feature | Search functionality replaced the previous random question on home page. |
20 January 2020 | Feature improvement | Search suggestion lists may now be navigated in using keyboard arrows. |
26 October 2019 | Visual improvement | New design of checkboxes (only in Browse sections). |
Visual improvement | Chevrons added to accordions on help pages. | |
24 October 2019 | Feature improvement | Dates for events with TBC month are now shown as 'TBC' on championship pages. |
22 October 2019 | Feature improvement | Event update submissions with no changes will now be ignored. |
20 October 2019 | Feature improvement | Input type for dates changed from text to date on Events page. |
17 October 2019 | Bug fix | Bug appearing when submitting updates to events fixed. |
6 October 2019 | Other changes | Flag of Libya updated to current flag. |
Feature improvement | Search suggestion list now closes on Escape press. | |
5 October 2019 | New feature | Change log (this page) added. |
Feature improvement | Type of message selection added to the Contact page. | |
Other changes | Default social media sharing thumbnail corrected. | |
Other changes | Home page facelift. | |
Feature improvement | Pagination added to the team crew list. | |
2 October 2019 | Visual improvement | The submenu button arrows in the top menu now change state (open/closed). |
Feature improvement | Content in printable versions of circuit and championship calendars fine-tuned. | |
Visual improvement | Accordion animations on help pages now smoother. | |
Other changes | Some texts in help pages rephrased. | |
Visual improvement | Other small visual improvements. |